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Decomposed Granite

$300.00 /ton

Decomposed Granite is a popular material because it creates a firmer surface than most gravel, but still allows water to permeate through.  These crushed stones are irregular-shaped with jagged edges ranging from dust to 3/8” in size, which allows for easier compaction. Our Decomposed Granite works great in pathways, residential driveways, filler between patio stone, dog runs, bike trails, and garden trails. This crushed granite has varying colors of grays to black with a slight shimmer.    Approximate coverage of 110 sf/ton.


Trap Rock

$174.00 /ton

A Crushed Gravel with a mixture of dark gray, red, and maroon. Varying in size of 5/8″ to 3/4″. Trap Rock is an excellent replacement for dark mulch. Approximate coverage of 130 sf/ton.